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Postdoctoral Researchers
Postdoctoral Researchers

Andy King


MS University of Warwick  

Ph.D. Bath University


Miguel Angel Chacon Teran


Lic. University of Zulia 

Ph.D. Universidad Simon Bolivar


Dellamol Sebastian


B.S. & M.S. Mahatma Gandhi University

Ph.D. City University of New York


Research Interests:

CO2 capture and conversion


Rashmi Semwal


M.S. Kumaun University



Research Interests:

Pincer ligand syntheses

Graduate Students

Kotono Babaguchi


B.S. Abilene Christian University


Research Interests:

Metal-ion sequestration & single-electron transfer



Ashton Havens


B.S. Eastern Michigan University


Research Interests:

CO2 capture and conversion

Undergraduate Students
Former Members


Dr. Sheng Zhang (2019-2020), Associate Professor, Anhui University

Dr. Sem R. Tamang (2016-2019), Bridgestone, OH 

Dr. Renzo Arias-Ugarte (2013-2014), UT El Paso

Dr. Sandun Perera (2013-2014), MD Anderson, Houston

Dr. Claire Jahier (2012-2013), Les Produits Chimiques, Delmar



Dr. Deepika Bedi, Ph.D. 2021.

Dr. Sara Shafiei-Haghighi, Ph.D. 2020. Faculty, Worcester State University

Dr. Lu Cheng, Ph.D. 2020. Post-doctoral Researcher, Johns-Hopkins University

Dr. Anu Saini, Ph.D. 2018. Vuronyx Technologies

Dr. Francis S. Wekesa, Ph.D. 2016.

Dr. Neha Phadke, Ph.D. 2016. Covestro (formerly Bayer Materials)

Dr. Laci Singer, Ph.D. 2015. Faculty, South Plains College

Dr. Gregory McGovern, Ph.D. 2013. Lecturer, West Texas A&M

Dr. Adebola Oyefusi, (former grad student), Intel



Amanda Helms, Graduate Student at UT Austin

Carli Diver, RN, University Medical Center

Lucely Santillan, Graduated 2017, Baylor College of Dentistry

Dr. Zachary Sumner, Resident in Family Medicine

Lydia Kong, Current TTU student

Flor De Jesus Martinez, Chemistry/Physics teacher at Crane Elementary

Dr. Ashleigh Smith, Ineos

Dr. Eric Sikma, Graduated 2015, Postdoc at UC San Diego

Ubong Ukpon, Graduated 2015

Madison Sanders, Graduated 2014, Prime Laboratories

Stefan Schunemann, DAAD Scholar 2013

Christian Fischer, DAAD Scholar 2012

Daryl Cooke, Graduated 2013



Sean Solomon, Welch Summer Scholar 2017, USC

Riya Saxena, Welch Summer Scholar 2016, Northwestern University

Saheel Chodavadia, Welch Summer Scholar 2015, Duke University

Andrew Stone, Welch Summer Scholar 2014

Gene C. Hsu, Welch Summer Scholar 2013, UT Austin

Sumarth Mehta, Welch Summer Scholar 2013, UT Austin

Ellie Reynolds, Welch Summer Scholar 2012, Vanderbilt


University of California Merced

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