Sep 2020 - Sara and Aneelman's paper, in collaboration with the Cozzolino group is accepted for publication in Organometallics - well done to both of you!
Jun 2020 - Sara successfully defends her dissertation, congratulations Dr. Shafiei-Haghighi! We are so proud of you.
May 2020 - Sara was one of the recipients of a new graduate award from the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry. A limited number of awards were made in recognition of research excellence to students in the department. Very well deserved Sara!
Apr 2020 - Sheng's second paper of the month is now available online in the Journal of the American Chemical Society! This is our second publication with the Li group and we couldn't be happier! Even though Sheng has returned home to China, he's still cranking out the papers!
Apr 2020 - Sheng's paper on electrocatalysis is accepted and available now in Organic Letters! This is our first (of many) collaborative papers with the Li lab at TTU.
Mar 2020 - Deepika has received a prestigious Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship from the Graduate School at Texas Tech University, congratulations Deepika!
Feb 2020 - Our collaborative paper with TTU colleagues Mayer and Casadonte and researchers at Northwestern University is now available online in Journal of Polymer Science. Congratulations to all!
Jan 2020 - Deepika's paper on hydroboration of nitriles in the absence of transition metal catalysts is now available online in Green Chemistry. Although we love metals, we love Deepika more - well done!
Dec 2019 - Sem's paper is accepted and available online in Nature Catalysis. This is also the first publication for our undergraduate researchers Cory, Keeley and Audrey. Well done everyone!
Nov 2019 - Sara and Arpita's paper is accepted and available online in Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry. This is part of a special themed issue on the use of earth abundant metal catalysts in organic synthesis. Great work Arpita and Sara!
Oct 2019 - Sara's paper (collaboration with Xiufang Xu) is accepted and available online in Organometallics. Congratulations Sara!
Sep 2019 - The Findlater group has been awarded a grant from the DOE related to separation of rare earth elements, this is a collaborative project with the Hutchins and Yan groups at Texas Tech and UMass Lowell, respectively.
Sep 2019 - Sem's review is accepted (& published) in Molecules! Congratulations Sem!
Aug 2019 - Adineh passes her RE and is admitted to candidacy! Congratulations Aida!
Aug 2019 - Dr. Sheng Zheng leaves us to return to a position in China - we will greatly miss having him in lab!
July 2019 - We say a fond farewell after three years to our postdoc Dr. Sem Tamang who is moving to a job at Bridgestone in Akron, Ohio.
April 2019 - Our Welch Grant has been renewed! We are grateful to the Welch Foundation for a further three years (2019-2022) of funding to help us explore base metal catalysis.
Dec 2018 - Sem's manuscript on hydrosilylation of esters has been accepted for publication as part of the "New Talent" issue of Organic & Bimolecular Chemistry. Congratulations Sem!
Nov 2018 - Our collaborative paper with the Cozzolino group has been accepted for publication in Polyhedron. This paper is part of the special issue dedicated to Professor William Jones on the occasion of his 65th birthday - we are honored to be a part of the celebration of Bill's many contributions to organometallic chemistry!
Nov 2018 - Anu and Cecilia's paper is accepted and now available online in Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, this is Cecilia's second paper of the year! Congratulations to all!
Nov 2018 - Arpita passes her RE and has been admitted to candidacy, congratulations Arpita!
Oct 2018 - Sem's manuscript on cobalt-catalyzed hydroboration has been accepted for publication in Organic Letters, this is also the first publication for undergraduates Cecilia and Christian, congratulations all!
Oct 2018 - Professor Findlater hosts this year's Shine Lecturer - Professor Schrock
Sep 2018 - Aneelman Brar and Jia-Shiang Liao join the group, welcome Aneelman and Jia-Shiang!
July 2018 - Sara has received an ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry travel award, Sara will receive funds to help cover the cost of her first trip to an ACS National Meeting (Boston, Fall 2018). Congratulations to Sara and a very big thank you to the ACS DIC for their support!
July 2018 - Deepika has passed her RE and has been admitted to candidacy, congratulations Deepika!
June 2018 - Anu defends her dissertation... and passes! Congratulations Dr Saini!
June 2018 - Professor Findlater has been invited to join the editorial board of the journal Molecules
June 2018 - Daming Lin joins the group as our Welch Summer Scholar - welcome Daming!
June 2018 - Sem's manuscript on cobalt-catalyzed CO2 hydroboration has been accepted for publication in Dalton Transactions
April 2018 - Sem's manuscript on regioselective reduction of heteroarenes is accepted for publication in ACS Catalysis - great work Sem!
April 2018 - Check out Anu's book chapter on iron-pincer chemistry in the new (2nd Edition) of "The Chemistry of Pincer Compounds" (Ed. David Morales-Morales, Elsevier 2018). Congratulations Anu!
January 2018 - Professor Findlater is honored to receive the Chancellor's Distinguished Research Award (read more and watch the award video)
November 2017 - Sem's manuscript on iron-catalyzed hydroboration chemistry has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Organic Chemistry
October 2017 - Findlater group research is highlighted on local NPR KTTZ. Listen here:
September 2017 - Sara's manuscript has been accepted for publication in Polyhedron (special Pincer issue) (link)
June 2017 - Our collaborative paper with the Long group (University of Tennessee) is published online at J. Polym. Sci. A
June 2017 - Sean Solomon joins the group as our Welch Summer Scholar - welcome Sean!
May 2017 - The Findlater Group was delighted to host Professor Dave MacMillan as the 17th Henry J. Shine Lecturer